Laser, J. & Castro, O. (2025). The School Social Work Toolkit: Practical and Hands-On Considerations for the New or Seasoned Social Worker. NASW Press.
Laser, J. & Nicotera, N. (2025). Understanding and Effectively Utilizing Experiential Therapy: A Mindfulness and Trauma Sensitive Approach to Extending Talk Therapy. New York: Oxford University Press.
Laser, J. & Nicotera, N. (2021). Working with Adolescents: A Clinical Guide for Practitioners, 2nd edition. New York: Guilford Press.
Laser-Maira, J. Blair, D., Blair Echevarria, J., Wallis, D., Castro, O. & Conger, J. (2019). Youth and Their Families, A Guide to Treating Adolescent Substance Use Through Family Systems Therapy. New York: Oxford University Press.
Laser-Maira, J. & Nicotera, N. (2019). Innovative Skills to Increase Cohesion and Communication in Couples. New York: Oxford University Press.
Nicotera, N. & Laser-Maira, J. (2017). Innovative Skills to Support Well-being and Resiliency in Youth. New York: Oxford University Press.
Laser, J. & Nicotera, N. (2011). Working with Adolescents: A Guide for Practitioners. New York: Guilford Press.
Edited Book Chapters
Laser, J. (2024). Identity Development. In G. Koocher, A. La Greca, N. Lopez Reily & O. Moorehead-Slaughter (Eds.)The Parents’ Guide to Psychological First Aid: Helping Children and Adolescents Cope with Predictable Life Crises 2ndEdition. New York and Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Laser-Maira, J. A., Hounmenou, C., & Peach, D. (2020). Global Commercial and Sexual Exploitation of Children. In E. Erez & P. Ibarra (Eds.), Oxford Encyclopedia of International Criminology. New York and Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Laser-Maira, J. (2016). Children’s Experiential Therapy Group in an Elementary School. Chapter 15. In W. Pelech, R. Basso, C. Lee & M. Gandarilla. (Eds.) Inclusive Group Work. New York: Oxford Press.
Laser, J. (2008). Resilience in Japanese Youth, Chapter 13. In L. Leibenberg & M. Ungar (Eds.) Resilience in Action: Working with Youth Across Cultures and Contexts. University of Toronto Press.
Luster, T. & Laser, J. (2005). Adolescent Mothers and Their Children: An Ecological Perspective, Chapter 12: in L. Okagaki & T. Luster (Eds.) Parenting: An Ecological Perspective (Second Edition). Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.
Laser, J. (2001). Infant sensory development and appropriate games and songs for the infant from birth to three years old. In A. Honing, H. Fitzgerald & H. Brophy-Herb (Eds.), Infancy in America. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO.
Laser, J. (2001). Developmental milestones in the domains of cognitive, gross motor, fine motor, social and language development. In A. Honing, H. Fitzgerald &H. Brophy Herb (Eds.), Infancy in America. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO.
Peer Reviewed Research Articles
George, N., Connot, N., Laser, J., & Alejano-Steele, A. (2023). Qualitative Data Collection Post-COVID-19: An Overview of the Conduction of Virtual Focus Groups and Interviews. International Journal of Social Work, ISSN 2332-7278 2023, Vol. 10, No. 2 doi:10.5296/ijsw.v10i2.21472 URL:
Miller, A., Laser, J., Alejano-Steele, A., Napolitano, K., George, N., Connot, N. & Finger, A. (2023). Lessons Learned from the Colorado Project to Comprehensively Combat Human Trafficking. Societies, 13, 51. soc13030051
Steward, A., Hasche, L. & Laser, J. (2022). Do internalized age stereotypes mediate the relationship between volunteering and social connectedness for adults 50+?.
Journal of Aging Studies, 61, 101031.
List, R. & Laser, J. (2022). The physical health, mental health and well-being benefits of the Nia Technique.International Journal of Social Work, 9, 1. ISSN 2332-7278
Laser, J. (2022). Evaluating the Individual and Group Outcomes of Individuals Who Participated in Experiential Therapy Activities at a Challenge Course. International Journal of Social Work, 9, 1. ISSN 2332-7278
Laser, J, Petersen, G., Stephens, H., DeRito, D., Boeckel, J. (2019). Demographics, Risk Factors, and Negative Historical Events of Inpatients with a History of Sexual Abuse. Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal (ASSRJ), 6, 10. DoI:10.14738/assrj.610.7269.
Laser-Maira, J, Peach, D., Hounmenou, C. (2019). Moving Towards Self-actualization: A Trauma-Informed and Needs-Focused Approach to the Mental Health Needs of Survivors of Commercial Child Sexual Exploitation.International Journal of Social Work, 6,2,
Laser-Maira, J, Petersen, G., Stephens, H., Peach, D. (2018). Civil and Forensic Patients: Comparing Demographics, Risk Factors, and Negative Life Events. European Research Institute for Social Work (ERIS) Edition, published by the Czech and Slovak Social Work Journal. 2018/4 ERIS.
Laser-Maira, J & Campos, E. (2018). Working Towards a Culturally Competent Practice with Mexican Immigrants. International Journal of Social Work . 5, (2).
Laser-Maira, J., Huey, C., Castro, O., Ehrlich, K., Nicotera, N. (2018). Human Trafficking in Peru: Stakeholder Perceptions of How to Combat Human Trafficking and Help Support its Survivors. Journal of Sociology and Social Work, 6, (1). 34-40 ISSN: 2333-5807 (Print), 2333-5815 (Online)
Brewer, S.; Nicotera, N., Veeh, C., & Laser-Maira, J. (2018). Predictors of positive youth development in first-year college students. Journal of American College Health.
Laser-Maira, J. (2018). Prevalence and Correlates of Enjo Kousai, School Girl and Boy Prostitution, in Japan. Journal of Asian Research. 2, (1), 37-54, DOI:
Laser-Maira, J., Huey, C., Castro, O., Ehrlich, K. (2016). Human Trafficking in Peru: Stakeholder Perceptions. International Social Work Journal. 3,1, DOI:
Boeckel, J. & Laser, J. (2015). Depression in Japanese, Chinese and Korean Youth. International Social Work Journal, 2,2,36-68. ISSN 2332-7278
Laser, J. & Wallis, D. (2014). Outpatient Family Systems Therapy as the Treatment Modality for Adolescent Substance Abuse. Addiction, Recovery and Aftercare, 1, 1, 69- 84.
Abukari, Z. & Laser, J. (2013). Gender Differences in Academic Outcomes among Ghanaian Youth. Community Psychology. 41, 1, 117–138 DOI: 10.1002/jcop.2151
Parker, L. & Laser, J. (2012). Increasing Social Justice Awareness through International Education: Two models. Reflections, 18, 1, 53-63.
Nickels, S., Walls, E., Laser, J. & Wisneski, H. (2012). Differences in Motivations of Cutting Behavior among Sexual Minority Youth. Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal. DOI 10.1007/s10560-011-0245-x
Leibowitz, G., Laser, J. & Burton, D. (2011). Exploring the relationships between dissociation, victimization, and juvenile sexual offending. Journal of Trauma and Dissociation, 12, 1, 38-52. DOI:10.1080/15299732.2010.496143
Laser, J. & Stephens, P. (2011). Working with Military Families through Deployment and Beyond. Clinical Social Work Journal, 39, 1, 28-38. DOI: 10.1007/s10615-010-0310-5
Walls, N.E., Laser, J., Nickels, S. & Wisneski, H. (2010). Correlates of Cutting Behavior among Sexual Minority Youth and Young Adults. Social Work Research, 34, 4, 213-226.
Laser, J. & Campos Schutte, E. (2009). A Journey to China: Embarking on a Professional and Personal Experience of Growth. Reflections, 15, 3, 23-31.
Laser, J. & Leibowitz, G. (2009). Promoting positive outcomes for healthy youth development: utilizing social capital theory. Journal of Sociology and Social Work. 36, 1, 87-102
Heimsoth, D. & Laser, J. (2008). Transracial adoption inside China: Expatriate parents living in China with their adopted Chinese children. International Social Work, 55, 5, 651-668
Laser, J. Luster, T. & Oshio, T. (2007). Risk and Promotive Factors Related to Depressive Symptoms Among Japanese Youth. American Journal of Ortho Psychiatry, 77, 4, 523 533.
Laser, J., Luster, T. & Oshio, T. (2007). Promotive and Risk Factors Related to Deviant Behavior in Japanese Youth.Criminal Justice and Behavior, 34, 11, 1463-1480.
Laser, J. (2006). Residual Effects of Repeated Bully Victimization Before the Age of 12 on Adolescent Functioning. Journal of School Violence, 5,2, 37-52.
Laser, J., Oshio, T., Luster, T., Tanaka, Y. & Ninomiya, S. (2004). Everyday Resilience in Japanese Youth. Yasuda Foundation Annual Journal. (Published in Japanese).